Saturday, February 19, 2011

Socks & Shorts

As I have observed people with leg limb differences over the past few years, one thing they all seem to have in common is the fact that most of the time they wear shorts. I always thought this was odd and I didn't understand it. It didn't matter if they were wearing prosthetics or not. My thought with Israel was always to have him wear pants so people wouldn't stare quite as much. It hasn't been until recently that I realized that having Israel wear pants is like us wearing pants that cover our feet and shoes. The ends of Izzy's legs are "his feet". He uses them a lot for different things, and putting pants on him really "disables" him. So I pulled out the shorts and put his socks on. He seemed to be very happy about the whole thing.


One Woman's Thoughts said...

Your wonderful Izzy is changing the way you see the world.

You know the Indian saying, 'Don't judge a person until you have walked in their moccasins'? Izzy's saying might be changed to prosthetics.

Melanie said...

He's soooooo stinkin' cute! :)

Melanie said...

He's soooooo stinkin' cute! :)

Patti said...

What an adorable boy! Ended up here via a link over at the Born Just RIght facebook page. My son's right arm looks almost identical to Israel's. Always nice to connect with others who are parenting kids with limb differences.

Jenna said...

we live in shorts here,unless loggie is wearing leg then its pants except when its warm