I - Incredible: Seriously I couldn't have started with a better word to describe this little boy. Israel is so incredible in so many ways. His ability to overcome challenges is incredible to me!
S - Sweet: Oh man, this one is perfect. Israel is SO sweet, and he has the ability to melt my heart over and over again. His precious looks, sweet smile, loving eyes, accepting heart...yup he is super sweet!
R - Real: With Israel, what you see is what you get! He doesn't try to pretend he is anyone other then exactly who he is. He doesn't hide his differences or shy away because of them.
A - Amazing: Israel never ceases to amaze me...on a daily basis too! His skills, tricks, talents, perseverance, patience and love amaze and inspire me all the time.
E - Enthusiastic: Israel has such a love for life! He intends to live life to the fullest and do it with all of his heart and soul. He is enthusiastic about so many things, and it's contagious!
L - Loving: Awe yes, Israel is so very loving. He loves from such a deep place in his heart that is astounding. He cares about his friends and family and loves them so much. I wish more people could love like he does!
HAPPY 4th BIRTHDAY Precious Israel.