Wednesday, April 22, 2009

1 Month in pictures and music

Enjoy this little slide show I made of Israel's first month of life with us.

Israel ~ The first month from Becca Turkington on Vimeo.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Time for an update...'s been two weeks since I last posted a blog...yikes! That flew by! I can't believe Israel is 4 weeks old all ready! WOW! He continues to be a wonderful baby bringing even more love and joy to our lives then we could imagine. He is becoming much more alert and aware of whats going on around him. He turns his head when he hears a familiar voice and tracks anything that moves past him. He knows his mommy and daddy and finds great comfort in them when he cries. Rachel and Jaxon continue to enjoy him, however the newness has worn off and they don't "smother" him as much as before...which is nice :-) Easter was lovely and a great excuse for some here is what we got out of my first attempt to photograph all three kids (It's a lot of work!)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

2 Weeks Old

Really? How can he be 2 weeks old all ready? It is so true that time does fly by! We are falling more and more in love with this precious little one with every passing day (If that is even possible!). He is amazing and we are blessed to be his parents. Here are a few "Izzy Facts" :-)

YOU at 2 Weeks Old

You weigh 7 pounds 4 ounces(15th percentile) and you are 20 3/4 (40th percentile) inches long. Your doctor says you are growing wonderfully and she is very impressed with you!

You love your sleep! You would sleep most of the time if we let you, but they say you have to eat sometimes :-) You are fine to sleep just about you bassinet, your swing, your sling...and of course our arms.

You are a great nurser...once we convince you that you want to wake up and actually eat!

You are NOT a fan of bath time! You don't care for being naked, wet and cold! Pretty much you scream through the entire process...except for when we wash you hair! You love that part.

You enjoy your binkie...a lot!

You are a spitter and you go through 2-4 outfits a day...not to mention the tons of burp rags...and my clothes as well!

You are still very tiny and wear newborn sized diapers and preemie/newborn clothes.

Your hair is amazing! We especially love it after you have had a bath and it is all curly and crazy!

You are beautiful, precious, and a miracle! We love you so much little Israel. We thank God for you and your health every day. However we will never give up contending for your complete healing! God can do it and we believe we will see it happen!