Sunday, January 20, 2013


I made this little video of Izzy a few weeks ago and posted it to Facebook. I had such an amazing response to it, that I decided to upload it to YouTube and share it with you all as well. Personally, Izzy inspires me every single day of my life. When I think something is to hard, or when I'm feeling sorry for myself, or when I think I have been dealt a "bad hand" I am reminded of just how much I have and how much I am blessed. Izzy has much less then many of us do physically, but he certainly doesn't lack when it comes to ability, talent, patience, determination or personality. :-) My hope is that when you watch this video you are inspired, encouraged and that maybe you will have a different perspective on people with "disabilities". They truly are remarkable people with amazing talents and way more drive and tenacity then most of us "normal" people.
(PS...before hitting play, you may want to scroll down to the bottom of my blog and pause the background music, if it is automatically playing.)

1 comment:

Sharon de L said...

Becca, I think this is just the first of the Turk Family Films! You and Jon are pretty clever yourselves - Izzy's handstand says it all!

I'll be waiting for Rachel and Jaxon to jump into action too in the next installment of "All Things Izzy" -