THEY DON"T POP WHEN THEY LAND! You have to actually pop them! Izzy was fascinated and loved the adventure of trying to pop each and every last one! They last for a long fact we were still finding them the next day! We loved them SO much I had to get the details so I could buy them for us and for gifts too! I thought you might like the link as well. So here it is!
He also had a HUGE case that must have had a few hundred kids movies in it! Israel looked through them and picked out he has never seen before. He really enjoyed it!
So far Israel is doing SO much better then last year! I really think that keeping him on fluids and morphine for a full 24 hours made a huge difference! We were able to take him off of both of them Friday and switch him to oral medication and fluids from a cup. Izzy is only allowed to drink from an open faced cup because they don't want anything to accidentally poke or rip the stitches. At first he was reluctant to the open face cup because he has always drank from a straw sippy cup (due to his mouth complications this was the easiest for him when we transitioned from the bottle a year ago). But he eventually got thirty enough that he didn't care. The only thing that bothered him about it was when he spilled on his shirt...have I mentioned he hates being dirty? He is getting the hang of it pretty quickly though. He hates his medicine still and cries through it every time.
The only thing keeping us from going home was that Israel needed to be able to drink fluids and his medicine and keep them down. He did very soon after taking him off of his IV and we got to go home Friday late afternoon!
Izzy and Daddy just got the OK to go home!
It's Saturday afternoon now and things are going great. Israel slept well last night, waking up every four hours, like clockwork, for his medicine. As long as we keep up on his meds he is a happy camper. Playing and enjoying being home. During the day he sleeps for about two hours then is awake for about two hours...I feel like I have an infant again :-) It is actually nice though because I am able to get some things done around the house while he sleeps...or take a nap with him too!
My big kids come home today and I am really looking forward to seeing them. Even though it has only been a few days it is crazy how much I miss them! I am hoping for an enjoyable day having all my family together again...with no plans except to be together!