As usual, the holidays were a busy time and the days flew past...not leaving much time for blogging. I'm sorry for my lack of communications with you all this past month or so. I do have lots of new news and updates, so rest assured, the posts will be coming in this week :-)
Christmas was wonderful! We are blessed to have most of our family nearby. We celebrated Christmas on three different dates this year with different sides of the family. Israel truly enjoyed his first Christmas...mostly the wrapping paper and bows. He received some very thoughtful gifts, such as altered shirts and leg socks from my Mom, and some very "adaptable/manipulative" toys that he can play with well from my sister. As well as many other wonderful things.
As many of you know, Israel was due to have surgery on December 30th. Unfortunately, due to frustrating insurance stuff, we had to postpone it. More details to come on this in my next post. However, Jon and I made the most out of it and decided to spend the day with each other and with Izzy just being together and enjoying the fact that we weren't sitting in a hospital room holding our baby who was doped up on morphine and in pain. Instead we went shopping, out to lunch, and were just together.
Israel seems to be growing quickly. It seems as though he outgrows his clothes in no time and I am constantly getting new ones in bigger sizes. He is loving life and thriving. He is seriously the most happy baby I have ever met. I am truly blessed to be his mom!